About Us
Jasper Elementary School is located in the residential community of Alta Loma, in Southern California. We are one of ten schools in the Alta Loma School District in the city of Rancho Cucamonga.
Jasper Elementary School opened in the fall of 1975. Our school population reflects the cultural diversity of the community. Our staff services students in regular education as well as students with special needs. We provide enrichment opportunities for our students by offering Gifted and Talented Education (G.A.T.E.), music, after-school programs, Academy of the Arts, student leadership opportunities and more.
The instructional approaches used to implement our instructional program include team planning, team teaching, whole group, small group, leveled and individualized instruction utilizing both direct and cooperative learning techniques. The school plan is outlined by staff, and then given to the School Site Council for final revision and approval. Ongoing planning includes scheduled component meetings as well as frequent data review.
Jasper Elementary School encourages parent participation and community involvement, which facilitates a feeling of warmth, belonging, and encouragement. Our efforts to provide this nurturing environment allow our students to grow and reach their maximum potential.